Flat Lackluster haystack-dry hair is one of the most common problems I get asked about. So I was intrigued when a reader wrote to me rhapsodizing about a hair care brand called Ojon, based on rare nut oil only found in the Central American rainforests of Honduras and Nicaragua. ‘My hair is very fine and looks quite thin, but using the Ojon Restorative Hair Treatment – a solid that turns into an oil when you warm it in your hands – plus the thickening shampoo and conditioner, has made it look thicker and very shiny. Even my hairdresser remarked what good condition it’s in.
My dry-haired colleague Victoria is a great fan too: ‘The best shampoo I’ve ever used,’ she told me. Recently, I met Denis Simioni, the ‘crazy Canadian’ founder of Ojon, who told me about the extraordinary genesis of the range. In 1999, a relative from Honduras brought Simioni, who was then heading an advertising agency near Toronto, a little jar of brown paste – the ojon oil. ‘It just sat in my bathroom until one hot Saturday, two years later, when the whole family decided to have a hair party and try it. We all had really dry hair, partly due to chemicals in the swimming pool. The results of just one application were instant – and incredible.’ It was the start of an Indiana Jones-like quest for Simioni to find the source of ojon oil. Through the internet, he discovered that ojon nuts have been used for more than